الأحد، 22 يوليو 2012

صدر حديثا عن دار الكتب , جامعة البصرة الطبعة الأولى للمجموعة الشعرية باللغة الانجليزية   "The Tree of Poetry للأستاذ المساعد الدكتورة هناء البياتي يا لاشتراك مع مجموعة من طلبة قسم اللغة الانجليزية. تتضمن المجموعة إحدى وعشرين قصيدة باللغة الانجليزية بمختلف الموضوعات الشعرية. وهي تجربة رائدة كمحاولة  لتشجيع الطلبة العراقيين في تطوير مهاراتهم الكتابية الإبداعية.

The Tree of Poetry

The Tree of Poetry

A Poetic Collection

Edited, collected and shared


Dr Hana Al-Bayyati
English Department
College of Art,
Basrah University




This poetic collection is the product of two
successive pioneering attempts at poetry competition,
held in English department on the anniversary of the
foundation of Basrah University, supervised by the
head of English department, College of Arts,
prepared, edited and shared by Dr Hana Al-Bayyati.
The objectives of this academic activity are to
encourage students of English department to write,
translate, read and understand English language and
literature properly. The number of participants in the
first competition was twenty students, five of them
wrote their own poems; the rest participated in the
"Recital of Class Poetry", or "Verse Translation". In
the second competition, the number of the poems
written by students increased to nineteen. In the first
attempt, the students hesitated to write English
poetry. The encouragement of poetry teacher helped
them to write more poems.
The referee committee in the first competition was a
group of four teachers selected from the same
department to announce the three winners. In the
second, a teacher from the department and two
members of PRT group from the American Embassy
were invited to evaluate the competition and to give
marks for each poem, to select the three winners. Dr
Hana's participation in the two competitions was to
encourage and inspire the students to have this
activity. Therefore, her two poems, though recited,
were not included in the evaluation.
All the twenty one poems in this collection are
written by fifteen students, edited by Dr Hana Al-
Bayyati. Some of the poems needed a few changes,
the others big changes (9 poems); the result of this
was the rejection of the students of their new edited
poems. In order to solve the problem, the editor
accepted the demand to share them their poems.
Classifying them according to a certain order, the
editor opens the collection with her own two poems,
the six mutual poems, and then the rest of the poems.
The publication of this collection would encourage
more students to prepare for the third competition in
the forthcoming academic year (2011-2012).
The names of the students who participated in the
two competitions would be arranged in alphabetical
1-Ali Abdul-Razzaq and Dr Hana Al-Bayyati,
"Sweet Dreams" [first competition]
 (third year)
2-Ali Muhammad Hussein, "O Father!"
(second year)
3-Hanan Jawad Kadhim, "Forever" & "Still have
hope" [first competition]
 (fourth year)
4-Hasan Salman, "Farewell Freedom"
(second year)
5-Hiyam Abdul-Razzaq and Dr Hana Al-Bayyati, "To
My Dear Country"
(second year)
6- Huda Hussein Rumayyah and Dr Hana Al-
Bayyati, "A Conflict"
(second year )
7-Iman Shubbar Ashur and Dr Hana Al-Bayyati
"Love and Blame"
(second year)
8- Maha Sabah Salim and Dr Hana Al-Bayyati. "Give
Peace a Chance"
(third year)
9- Malik Amir Abdul-Wahhab and Dr Hana AlBayyati
"Lovely Mother"
(third year)
10- Muhammad Zuhair Al-Asady,"Exclusive Sorrow"
(second year)
11 -Muntadhar Muhammad J'aaz and Dr Hana Al-Bayyati
"Take and Do not Take"
(second year)
12 -Narmeen Nazar Iskandar and Dr Hana Al-Bayyati
"Children of Sad Baghdad"
(third year)
13-Samer Abdul-Karem Nasir,"God is All Alive", and
"Shining Virtue" [first competition]
(Third year)
14-Shahad Lu'ay Muhammad and Dr Hana Al-
Bayyati "Tamed to Die"
(Third year)
15 -Ziyad Abdul-Razzaq Al-Maliki, "Killed Being Frank" and
"Non existant " [first competition]
(Second year)
16-Dr Hana Al-Bayyati "Ambition Has Two Scenes"
and "To My Only Son" [first competition]
(Poetry Instructor)


Dr Hana Al-Bayyati

In the first scene:
Cane and Abel fight.
Adam and Eve grieve.
Cane, Abel will kill.
Thou thy rival will kill.

In the second scene
A tear, falling.
A snake, hissing.
A rat, running.
A flower, fading.

O passengers of my ship!
"Where ignorance is bliss
It is folly to be wise"
Gray's assertion
Is full of virtue, not vice.
"To be or not to be
That is the question."
To see or not to see
O Hamlet!
My ship is sinking.


Thou art envious,
In destruction,
Thou art serious.
In demonstration
Thou art tedious.
In nomination,
Thou art vicious

I love thee
I hate thee
Love and hatred
Killed me.

O passangers !
My ship against
The tempest
Will sail.
Cane, Abel will kill.
Love and hatred my heart fill.
Thou thy rival kill.
Gray and Eve believe:
"Where ignorance is bliss
It is folly to be wise"



Dr Hana Al-Bayyati

O my only son!
Could you tell me why
You say Hi!
To my sad days,
And Bye
To my happy days?
If this, to have my care.
How would you dare?
Making me share
Your cheating there.
Where was your ear
When I asked you to be near?
Where were my tips?
When You hid them behind your ribs.
Tell them to go up to your mind.
The ribs are not kind.
The ribs are bars of prison.
My tips are sweet, not poison.
Ambition is my aim.
You have no shame
To tell me you need no fame,
And your carpe diem


Has no place in your heart,
When I asked you to be right.
To God I pray
Day after day,
Night after night
Show my son the way
That leads to the ray
Of shining ambition.
Let him start
His first steps in Art.
When you tore me apart,
I ask God
To make you sick.
God answer
My prayer.
You are sick.
God's punishment is so quick.
'Sorry mum' is not enough,
When your words are rough.
When you cough,
My chest cries enough.
The peasants in my heart plough
To God, I pray:
"These are not words of heart,
These are words of anger,
When my son's in danger,


Satan dwells in his mind.
'Tell your Mum and Dad
You are as free as birds
To choose your words,
To choose your friends.
Tell your Mum and Dad
Why you are sad.
Your Mum and Dad
Threw away
The good and bad,
And let you alone
In this world.'
O my only son!
You are to me the moon,
You are to me the noon
You are to me the sun
You are the only one,
From Mum and Dad has run.
O my only son!
To Mum and Dad
You should run.
A new day
Has begun With love and joy
O my only son!



Maha Sabah
Dr Hana Al-Bayyati

Destroy the swords.
Snakes of war!
What 're you fighting for?
The train of war
Has gone.
Among the dragons
You are Donne.
Winter is gone.
Snow melt down.
Doves flocks fly
Above the rain bow in the sky.
Seize the golden peace.
Kindness, forgiveness
Are stars
In our gloomy sky.
It is time for love;
It is time for the dove
To fly above our love.



Narmeen Nizar Iskander
Dr Hana Al-Bayyati

Children of sad Baghdad!
Raise the flags of fury!
It's Baghdad… It's Baghdad
Glorious Baghdad!
City of peace,
Melody of peaceful peace,
Glorious Baghdad!
City of knights,
City of heights,

Vicious deeds, you destroyed.

Tyrants, your suffering enjoyed.
Lost in chaos, 'n' bloody greed
Lost in chaos, 'n' filthy deed.
Glorious Baghdad!
Tell the world.
You were the culture.
You were the power.
That saved the world
From danger.


Glorious Baghdad!

Tell the wailer!
You're the flower
Of the world.
You are the curer
Of the wound.
You are the letter
Of the word.
Glorious Baghdad!
Raise among ruins,
The flags of power.
Raise among ruins,
The flags of honour
The flags of culture,
Hailing you.
The flags of martyr,
Calling you.
"Glorious Baghdad!"
"Glorious Baghdad!"



Muntadhar Muhammad J'aaz
Dr Hana Al-Bayyati

You can take my kingdom.
You can't take my freedom.

You can send me a wing to fly.
You can't stop the wind in the sky.

You can see the beauty in my eye.
You can't say to me Bye.

Let me dream, let me die.
I 'll be a candle in your eye.

I'll be the knight
To fill your life with light.

I will be free
Like a bird on the tree.



Malik Amir Abdul-Wahhab
Dr Hana Al -Bayyati

Lovely Mother!
Tender mother!
Thou art the sun of my winter.
Thou art my dear.
When hurt, thou hath no fear,
The hope that Shines to enter
Thy heaven, O dear mother!
When thy hand touches me
Of this world, I am the owner.
In heart, thou art the rose
I am watered by a tear
That falls on thy red cheek.
To live with thee,
To die with thee,
Thou art mine treasure
I receive with pleasure



Matchless mother, darling mother

To thee, I wrote this lay
To thee, in the mother's day
Tender mother
0h, Tender mother!



Iman Shubbar


Dr. Hanaa Al-Bayati

Blame not the lover,
When he is thirsty.
With no experience,
You know nothing
About beauty.
Love stays with us
Refreshing our sense.
Blessing our life with happiness,
Taking us a way,
From darkness
Breaking our silence,
Ending our sadness.
Blame not the lover.
Love is mentor,
Senses to nurture.
Hatred is viper
Standing against nature.
Blame not the lover.



Huda Hussein Rumayyah
Dr. Hana Al -Bayyati

I hate to be in love with you.
I hate to live without you.
I hate to see you.
I hate to be far away from you.
I hate those, holding your name.
I hate our days to be the same.
I hate myself for loving you.
I love to be with you.
I love to be with you.



Shahad L ua'y Muhammad
Dr Hana Al-Bayyati

No wonder… No wonder.
Tigris and Euphrates
Taste bitter.
Fighting, cutting each other.
No tyranny lasts for ever.
Bloody scenes ended
By a dawn prayer.
A red letter, a red letter
Sent by a tyrant to malignance.

O tyranny!
Thou art not better
Than ignorance
Before a prayer.

Thou art the spirit of the river.
No wonder… No wonder
Tigris and Euphrates
Taste bitter
Taste bitter.



Hiyam Abdul - 'l Razaq
Dr. Hana Al- Bayati

Only You in my heart .
I will do anything to be right .
I will be a solider
In your battle.
I will be a candle
In your night .
I will Be a paddle
In your boat.
I will do my best
To build a nest
To live
With you,
Not with the rest.
The rest're envying you,
The rest're ruining you,
The rest're torturing you.

You, only you

In my heart who

Comes anew.



Mohammed Zuhair Al-Asady

What I wish is to be
Without thine absence
Painful time, in the distance
Patient heart, full of innocence
Exclusive sorrow, loading sadness
Waiting for thee
At the foot of thine mercy.
Obedient vow, in my fantasy.
Deeming we will be back.
Hoping to make thee sad without track.
What's happening, still destroying us
Feeling thirst to thine eyes,
Holding hope, to return their days.
Striking emotion, we should stop.



Samir Abdul-Karim Nasir

Shine virtues,
Detest not friendless nights,
Face fears,
Like lord Jesus Christ.
Riposte the devils that are distant,
Or dwell in shallow grave,
You are not hurt – resistant,
And you despise being slave.
You wish you reach the stars?
The fate spits on you and calls it rain.
And the sanest people dwell in bars.
Like fools, like tools, smiling in fain.
Redressed and distressed!
And how is that like?
The child who sucks his thumb.
From root to fruit what he gains.
Or wait for Godot who will never come.
Sadness, madness, endless pains.
So, Shatter vices to decay


To revive the glory we choose.
Dispatching the wicked away.
And as a poet
What shall I lose?
Words are cheap,
When no deed descried
Sound and deep.
And human rights denied.
But when virtuous people refuse to sleep.
With love, with justice ..vices will ever




Samer Abdul-Kareem Nasir

To chase the Dragons that ne'er exist?
Or the Roman fool when it's gone !!!
Beasty in Nature; It is!!!
O wicked spirits tarry aloofl!!!
Excommunicated, the purest are !
GulI'd th' rictus 'f smile 'n' pledge,
Ruthlessly murdered their God!!
Oft sluts murder gods in vain!!!
preening like Hell 'n' ne'er repuk'd,
F'raping Virtue on whoring sheet,
Juniors, Seniors oft'n cheat!!!!!
th' health ne'er Gospell'd
At core : filthy
Th' wealth ne'er Koran'd
lndeed: stilthy
Tomorrow 'n' tomorrow 'n' tonight!
Let buds of divine justice bloom.
Let religion to the trials of time.
Let Hamlet delay what is right.
Right of rulers becomes might!
Let Arthur jet's 'sole Grail-
Courage to them a 'false tale'?


The smell of Heaven!
As God is always just
Aliens 'driven', 'driven' …
Failure is not a must!!!
When frozen zeal melted,
Hercules ne'er murmured!
Stilted Vice is tilted,
Murder will be murdered!
The purest will survive
God is all-Alive!!!
God is All-Alive!!!



Ziyad Abdul-Razzaq Al-Maliki

To see if it was true,
We are not interested,
But there is something to know.
To see if it was wrong,
We are not concerned.
But there is something along
To please our desire;
And forget our sins.
Some people find it too hard to say.
It would be better to convey;
It's so beautiful when heard any way.
We have taint souls,
Of pride, lead us to behave so cruel
By deceiving others,
And make them fool.
Enjoying their suffering,
And pretend to be pleasing.
Directness is our poor prisoner,
In our hearts, o sweet moaner!
Once he escaped from his jail,


The jailor was imbibing love ale.

Then the jailor fell drunk,
And the prisoner was

Killed because of being frank.



Ziyad Abdul-Razzaq Al-Maliky

When time has thoughts,
Growing flat,
Confused to do this or that,
O please don't!
She is I love, she is I want.

My sweet anchor,
Interrupt my isolation,
Heal frustration,
And get confession
From that poor actor
To be his Dove.
She is I love.

When grievances conquer,
And start to grieve,
Be as a mourner,
And hope were to leave.
Relief she will grant.


She is I love, she is I want.

It was foretold.
Everyone to his fate.
My fate to grow old,
Fond in that life mate
Part with her I shan't.
She is I love she is I want



Ziyad Abdul-Razzaq Al-Maliki

It's hard for you and me,
Living our life in lost land,
And sail in never-ending sea.
To be together
The solution in your hand.
It's hard for you and me
When we're just three,
Far apart.
Sad song, you and me.
Because of you
Spend the day through.
Loneliness and time, so heavy.
For our life,
I'll tell you what we should do.
Meet again and be merry.
Shut the mouth of the enemy,
Living perfect life now,
And make a history.



Hanan Jawad Kadhim

If you feel so sad
And impossible to be glad
Still have hope.
If your dreams are unknown,
And you are with troubles alone
Still have hope.
Nothing deserves a tear.
O, my dear!
Don’t think life is black.
Go a head look at your back
Believe you will beat the top
And remember you,
Still have hope.
Take the rough with the smooth
And enjoy your youth
Be strong when you face a strife.
Its your weapon to challenge life.
Face your problems and don't mope.
And remember you
Still have hope.


It's tragic to trust treacherous.
But life don’t stop it's continuous.
Forget who treated you relentlessly,
Who behaved with you snobbishly
Flowers fade, but don’t stop.
Remember you
Still have hope.



Hanan Jawad Kadhim

Will we stay together,
Living in happiness,
And don't suffer.
Two small birds
To discover
The world as if
Without any cover

Will we stay together
Singing .....dancing,

With no care for other
See not dark
But blue colour.
The sky is home.
Nothing's better
Forever forever
Shall we stay together?
Life finds it difficult
To accept our offer



We will not wait
For a new summer

Our love is like a pearl,
Not a flower

For ever ....for ever
Shall we stay together?
We know our way
Do not need a usher.
Nothing can separate us
Many tried but never
We believe that love
Is the greatest power
Forever forever
Will we stay together.




Hasan Salman

To bite the dust,
To leave the trust,
It's our decision,
Cleaning up the mess
Is the key to our ambition..
The current system leads
To bloody filthy deeds.
The traces of our blood
Turned to be flood.
Our hands are tied
With our injured pride.
Access is now denied.
Our conscience has died.
Love of one side
Is born out of injured pride.
Now we are done,
As all faith is gone.
Hope is left alone,
Today to next dawn.




Ali Muhammad Hussein

When clouds cover the sky;
When my murk becomes biggest;
When all doors are closed,
No light to come behind,
No hand to pick me out.
My heart swinging like my dandle days.
Where and when our rendezvous father?
I am alone and dejected.
Loneliness methinks as a killer.
And this liaise with your death;
Today I smile tomorrow I will die.
My mother quote your age was ephemeral.
Be supposed to leave life early,
The end of happiness will coincide death.
The echo of life symphony never calls on
Waiting and weeping will slaughter me
Will you be back and drain my tears?
Will you give me a hope
To change these gloomy days?
I really need you father!



Ali Abdul-Razzaq

Dr Hana Al-Bayyati

Look at my eye!
You will see;
How I wait eagerly;
How I think much of thee.
I draw your picture insanely.
In silence, I sing.
In comfort, I drink.
Alas! you are nothing
But a shadow walking on earth.
Where are all
Sweet dreams?

Flying in my night
Alas! .. nothing remains,
Nothing remains.


Assistant Prof. Dr. Hana Al-Bayyati.

Head of English Department (2011- )
Manager of College Library (2009-2011 &19801982)
Instructor, English Department, College of Arts,
Basrah University (1989- )
&Jordanian Universities,Jerash and Maan (20022005)


(Ph. D.) in English literature in the 19th century-
Comparative Poetry (English/Arabic). Glasgow
University, Britain, 1989.
Title of thesis: "Keats, Shelley and Byron in Nazik AlMalaikah's

Higher Diploma in Librarianship, A1-Mustansyriah
University, Baghdad, 1980.

Title of Thesis: The Library of College of Arts; A field

(B. A.) in English Language and Literature, English
Dept., College of Arts, Basrah university, Iraq, 1978.
1-"Ambition Has Two Faces" (in English),
Markaz An-Nur:
http://www.alnoor.se/article.asp?id (13/4/2011)
2-"Nazif Fi Shiryan Arus As-Sharq" (Bleeding in
the vein of The Bride of the East), Markaz AnNur:
Also in http://www.culturaldh/cul/pdf.php?id=661
3-"Lil-Tumuh Wajhan" (in Arabic), (Ambition
has Two Scenes)
http://www.alnoor.se/article.asp?id (1/10/2011)

4-"Al-Hubut Fi An As-Shams" (Falling In The
Eye of The Sun), Markaz
:http://www.alnoor.se/article.asp?id (1/10/2011)

Also in
1706 (2/10/2011)

5-Waraqah Min Daftar Al-Mudakkarat (A
Paper From the Memoirs)
http://www.alnoor.se/article.asp?id (20/10/2011)
Verse Translation:
1-"La Ajidu Salaman", (I find No Peace..) by
Thomas Wyatt, ), Markaz An-Nur

2-"Wida Bila Dumu" (AValediction Forbbiding
Morning), Markaz AnNur:

3-"Tarnimah Ila Venus" (A Hymn to Venus),
Markaz An-Nur:
http://www.alnoor.se/article.asp?id (29/8/2011)
4-"Amorette", Sonnet 79, by Edmund Spenser),
Markaz An-Nur:
5- A Collection of 30 Translated Poems


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